They say that every day is a school day - it is a horrid, trite saying, but irritatingly true. I composed, as my first attempt on a blog, a particulary fine piece of text. It said succinctly what Plantagenet Consulting is about, it was free of typos, it even had a rather nice layout - I just failed to save it before moving on to the next step and so has dissappeared into cyberspace. I will try to recreate the moment of lucidity that created the fabled paragon of blogs below!
From Monday next week, my new venture, Plantagenet Consulting Ltd will be launched on a largely unsuspecting market. With this company, I aim to offer a service to organisations that is really very simple in concept, but can be expressed in many pages of waffle. I would like to cut through that here and now and express what Plantagenet Consulting is about.
Individuals, groups and organisations are constantly faced with issues or problems, and not just one, but a vast number. These issues will range in complexity from a relatively simple "how well have we done such and such" to more complex "do we have the right learning offer for the people of England, the economy and the good of society?" The basic process for addressing any such problem is simple and common, though it may require a lot of time, research and intellect to undertake:
- what is the issue/problem (definition)?
- what is the issue/problem like (description)?
- what do others think/feel about it (opinion)?
- what does this all amount to (synthesis)?
- what can be done about it (solution/resolution)?
It is my experience and opinion that if you get help in undertaking the first four steps (probably as you don't have the luxury of the time or resources to them yourself), and you work through the synthesis in detail with the person/organisation who did it for you, you are then best placed to work out what the solution/resolution will be, although you might need to get someone to help you to describe and plan that solution/resolution (back to the luxury of time and resource again!).
Anyway, that is what Planatagenet Consulting is there for - to do the definition and description, collect the opinion and draft the synthesis, take you through that synthesis and facilitate you producing the solutions.