What fabulous news to come out earlier this week - modern foreign languages are to be compulsory in primary schools in England by 2010!
As I have said before in my entry on "I want to communicate!", the power of learning languages and being able to communicate with others who do not share your mother tongue is immense.
I was e-mailed privately after that blog by a friend who lives in France. Her deaf niece from England was visiting them, and the children went out to play with French neighbours, and the niece came back speaking French, despite her communication difficulties. My friend couldn't reiterate strongly enough the importance of the desire to communicate and the pleasure that comes from making that breakthrough in another language.
In my village in France, I have joined the walking group that meets on a Sunday for a 7 to 10 kilometre hike in the local area. At first the group leader and the other walkers were a bit wary of speaking to me, and either did so very loudly (that endearing thought that the louder you speak, the more likely you are to be understood), or in very simple phrases or words (Look! Deer! Mud!). Now they have got used to me, and realise that I speak French, and with some I hold quite intricate conversations and jokes, while others realise that I am not a swamp monster, just because I am not French. It makes for a wonderful feeling of community, and I feel much more part of the village.
While there is a generation of young people in English schools that have been let down but being allowed to drop or never learn languages, future generations will be much better prepared. Like I said at the start - fabulous news!