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Roger Boucher, France

The other aspect of risk is the feeling of being in control of the risk. Take extreme sports for example. People know them to be higher than normal risk but believe, quite often erroneously, that because they are aware of the risk and feel they can control it then the activity is safe enough. If you take radioactivity, which cannot be seen, smelt, heard, or felt then there is no control, no current awareness of risk. It is deemed to be insidious and thus dangerous. It also doesn't help that it can be detected down to atomic levels of contamination and a general lack of understanding about it. Risk is about being able to assesss things for yourself rather than being sensible.

Cicely Gardener

To my mind, allowing people to decide about risk from incomplete media information is totally irresponsible. Just look at the rise in unwanted pregnancies whenever there is a scare about the pill and a change in risk of something from 1 in 10,000 to 2 in 10,000. The media call that doubling the chances of something awful - I say it is low risk!

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