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Jane Holland

The Queen's Speech has been delivered and there is some clarity now on what is involved in the staying on thing. If approved, the Education and Skills Bill will mean that young people will have to stay in education or training until the end of the academic year in which they turn 17, and in 2015 that will change to the 18th birthday. A duty is placed on the young person, their parents (or guardians/spouses??) and local authorities to make this happen (though custodial sentences will not be involved in cases of non-compliance). Employers will be required to allow young people to attend training for the equivalent of one day per week.

There will also be an increase in apprenticeship places, and by 2013 all school leavers will be entitled to an apprenticeship place, while employers will be encouraged to offer apprenticeships and public bodies will have a duty to offer them.

We shall see!!

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