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Jane Holland

It is interesting to note that since I pulled off this story at 11:25 this morning, it has been substantially rewritten without having the referencing changed.

There are official proposals now in for repeated assessments of language ability undertaken by teachers (I can hear the cheering from teachers already), where pupils are assessed by interviews, presentations to a group, business-style negotiations or product pitches. The Minister said that learning chunks of phrases by rote or artificial role play would be a thing of the past. Sorry - product pitches and business-style negotiations are also artificial role plays when undertaken by 14 and 15 year olds, apart from under the Youth Enterprise Scheme, and that is separate.


Surely, for GCSE level it would make more sense to ditch the on-going stress (ha ha) of continuous assesment and written exams and just concentrate on the oral. Children learn to speak some before they can read and write and so why not apply the same principle to learning languages other than the 'mother tongue'? Why oh why have modern educational science' (ie the latest thinking on how to educate children) and common sense parted company?

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