Normally I would use this blog to comment on the latest developments in the news in my chosen areas of interest - skills, employment trends, currency exchange rates and occasionally the economy. However the unprecedented world economic climate is moving so rapidly that is currently almost impossible to do.
However others are not so cowardly as me and are prepared and paid to put their heads above the parapet and comment. I feel for them, I really do! On Monday morning I was intending to write something about pound/euro exchange rates - not least as they had finally edged up a bit and I was feeling marginally less poor. Then Monday lunchtime happened and 4 cents down against the euro, and I felt poor again. The FTSE is all over the place but I thought I could blag a blog on leading indicators and the relationship between theFTSE and the DOW, but yesterday the DOW went up and today the FTSE goes down.
A good FTSE indicator can be the investment decisions of a fellow blogger "Allatsea", but on that basis, I am sure that his predictions for today will go up rather than the usual down.
It is not even possible to discuss adult learning policy and unemployment as that is all moving at a tremendous pace at the moment as well. The LSC is launching its Integrated Employment and Skills packages but they are having to be responsive to local needs which change daily. Sadly the numbers losing their jobs changes on a daily basis as well, so all I can offer there is more gloom.
Perhaps I need to follow the route of the newspapers and pull together some recession busting Skills, stats and OR tips to make people's lives easier and cheaper? No, I will make it a point of honour to comment on something soon that isn't likely to change while I write the blog!