It's now officially spring! Days are longer than nights, the weather is capricious and mostly warmer, and birds are singing.
The bird song is now getting pretty intense. The all year round residents of the land in the Country (Garden, Orchard and Meadow) are getting pretty frisky and pairing up or even sorting out nests. All year round we have a loud chorus of chaffinches, great tits, blue tits, robins, blackbirds and carrion crows. During the winter, the woodpeckers (greater spotted and green in the main), dunnocks and long tailed tits are also very audible, with a core of about 10 species all year round. We get a few interesting things passing through such as hawfinch and redwing as well.
Now the first of the summer visitors are coming back, with chiffchaffs, blackcaps and Cetti's warblers making a real racket, drowning out my beloved skylarks much of the time. It is still too early for my summer favourites - nightingales, melodious warblers (even the name is fabulous) and golden orioles, but by the end of April they may be here. I am astounded at the variety of birds we get, few of which are in the "concerns" categories of endangered species, but the sheer variety must mean something good. Most months we have at least 30 to 35 species spotted using the Merlin birdsong analysis app - I have to stress that visual sightings are generally pretty limited, due to the quality and quantity of hiding places!
We spent Saturday in a very different way to normal, with a day at the races, courtesy of my brother who part owns a couple of horses and one was racing at Angers hippodrome yesterday. I have been to the races at Worcester as a guest of an owner, and the dress code was formal, so heels, frock, posh jacket, a bit of bling and lippy. No such codes were applied at Angers - clean, comfortable and suitable for the weather was the order of the day, even in the panoramic restaurant, where we had lunch with the trainer.
Even in the stable area, where we went to see the boy being walked around to warm him up, everything was very informal and open.
We were allowed in the parade ring, which I didn't photograph as we were listening to the discussion between trainer and jockey and then working out whether to bet (we didn't) and where best to watch the race. We found a very good spot, on the advice of the trainer, right by the finish line and quite well sheltered from the typically moist and dank weather, that has plagued us these last 6 months. I was well placed to see them jump the water fence.
For the bits of the race that weren't close by, we were also well placed to watch the big screen with the action from cameras around the course, and naturally there was the usual, unintelligible commentary over the loudspeakers.
Given the excellent position, I was able to capture him going over the finish line (navy blue shirt with a yellow V), not first, but not last and he made it all the way round, which 3 of his competitors didn't.
We then spent a lot of time with him, both in the ring and at the stables, as he cooled off after his exertions over 3,700 metres and a bunch of fences (I didn't count how many). The initiated and eagle eyed will spot that he is missing a shoe, which he shed somewhere down the back straight - the jockey knows where! You will also note the rather lovely heart shaped mark on his forehead - he is called Legend Race, which seems a silly name to me.
That was his first run for my brother and his colleagues, and his first race over fences; he has had a couple of outings over hurdles before this. Overall, everyone was very happy, and it was certainly a fun day out. Racing in France - much more egalitarian than the UK, and cheaper too!
I'll finish this week with a couple more flower photos, because it is that time of year when every new bloom is a source of joy. Firstly there is a flower that isn't a cow slip and isn't a polyanthus and isn't a primrose, but probably a hybrid of all three.
And then there are my tiny anemones that each year I fear will have died off, but which appear again every spring over the space of a few weeks, and contrast nicely with the shoots of peonies that are springing up.
Soon there may be tulips! Have a good week!