I got stopped and my papers checked by the police today. I was driving down a tiny back road and they were coming in the opposite direction, and probably assumed I was without the relevant attestations. We both needed to pull over anyway, as the road was only 1.5 cars wide.
Windows down - "Madam do you have your attestations?"
"Yes, officer, several actually!" So I started with the standard one, where I had ticked the work box -
"You are British Madam?"
"Um well yes, I am."
"And what is this work you are going to do?"
"Well, at a second home, where there is gardening work to be done and cats to be fed, and I've got my employee attestation and a note from the owner and everything." <Gulp!>
"A second home and cats to be fed?"
"Yes <gabbling now a bit> and then I've got to go to another second home and mow the lawns there, and I've got the attestations for that too!"
"Ah, Madam, you are going about your professional work, that's fine, have a nice day!"
And off they went. While I was waving all the other attestations around, they didn't want to see any of them. Actually the younger cop was nodding happily when I said I was going to feed cats, but I think I've met that one before... So anyway, I now have confirmation that what I do is right and legal, so that's all good.
So once the cats were fed, I beat the bounds at that property and found three nice spears of asparagus for dinner and the first of the wild orchids to show its flower spike this year. I photographed it for you, but in a week or so it will be much more dramatic.
Then I went on to the other property and mowed. There is a lake there, and today I noticed a rather unpleasant and worrying phenomenon on the surface of the lake - look at all that pollen! I think it is a mix of rape and birch, but the grass won't be too far behind.
A friend shared a photo of her tree peony with me on Facebook, so I am pleased that I did finally remember today to photograph mine, which is now out in front of the house. It might look a bit weedy, but it has been growing in a pot for about 7 years - I probably ought to repot it once the flowers are over.
And as for that watched orchid that should surely be open by now? Well this is where we are at today!