There are things going on that can't be written about here in an open forum, but suffice it to say that trying to get work done while also trying to sort out "stuff" for the other thing has meant a dull and really rather stressful day, but progress has been made on both fronts.
Instead I will see what photos I haven't posted that people might like and comment on them.
18 months ago, we bought a selection of cheap bulbs and planted them at The Shack to add a bit of colour to the bottom of the main plot. We are completely convinced that we bought a selection of bulbs that would produce white flowers. Perhaps they came up white last year, I really can't remember, but this year, the only ones to flower so far are these rather fun frilly, yellow tulips.
Again my memory isn't brilliant, but we transplanted our rhubarb to The Shack either 18 months or two years ago. It is at the bottom of the plot and near a hedge, so in theory the wettest place and the coolest, which we hope will work in our favour. At home, the garden is too dry and sunny for it to do really well. Last year we left it alone, but this year, looking at the growth, I am hopeful of a bit of a crop!
This is a view I never get tired of, it changes with the seasons and with the weather and makes my heart lighter. This is the view from by the entrance to the One Acre Wood, and I love it.
Day 4 may not have a blog - if that is the case, apologies in advance!