Yes, June is here along with meteorological summer - the one that starts on 21st June is yet to come. Of course as soon as we get to June, the weather starts to go funny on us. Actually we have escaped the worst of it - the major thunderstorms around the area have produced 3 and 4cm hailstones, antediluvian rain, and odd squalls of wind. We have amassed about 15mm rain, which has dampened things down a bit, though not as much as we might like. The rumbles have been quite dramatic, and we now know that we have one cat who is scared of thunder!
The heat brought on the courgettes nicely - only 5th June and I can see male and female flowers developing! It has brought out a magnificent flower head on one of the yukkas. It also made this morning's labour possible - we did a bit of turning then pushed in 20 wiggle stakes and threaded them around with green metal grills and finally I sowed a borlotti bean for every upright wire in the fencing grill. It looks a bit odd now, but we hope that in 8 to 12 weeks it will be covered with bean stalks and lots of pods of delicious, stripy borlotti beans.
The trail camera has had an exciting week. I choose not to share images or video of John doing the rounds with the big yellow beastie, keeping the paths open, but from the gallery of photos below, you can see that it has been quite busy for other things!
And there's more! As you might expect, there are videos to go with some of those images - baby boar really are adorable!
Mum is being quite protective.
And then there is badger action too.
All that cuteness! Enjoy! There won't be a blog next weekend, as I attend the Broads Festival at Beccles Quay and also go visiting the Marches Mosses on the Shropshire/Wales border, but there should be some different and interesting things to tell you about from both of those when I do my next update on the 19th June.