But before I get on to the frog, I should point out that the weather cheered up yesterday afternoon and aperos were taken in the garden, surrounded by chickens and guarded by Nibbles. It was good to be out in the fresh air, although by 8:50pm, when we were trying to get Zola in for the night, somewhere within earshot there was a most tremendous row going on. Zola was fascinated, which made scooping her up and getting her in a bit easier.
We were promised a hot and sunny day today, but I think "day" was over-egging it a bit. We have had a lovely afternoon, warm and rather sticky and are forecast storms over night. Anyway a dry day meant both of us were out dealing with lawns that had enjoyed last week's rain, indeed enjoyed last week's rain a bit too much in my opinion!
One thing that loves hot and wet weather is bamboo - people plant it as they think it will make a nice and quick growing screen. Yes, it does, but it is also a highly invasive, non-native species that turns into a right thug. The stems in the picture below are about 3 to 4cm in diameter, they can go up about 4 to 5 metres, they spread by sending suckers underground that then pop up as far as 3 metres away from the parent visible stem and grow at a frightening speed. The low one in the centre of this photo is only 2 weeks old and already 1 metre high.
And so to the frog that I met after I had finished mowing and was inspecting my work. When I observed him, he was still and quiet, but as soon as I moved away, he started hurling abuse at me. It put me in mind of my favourite joke about the Wide Mouthed Frog, but as it needs appropriate visuals, I will leave it there.