Actually there isn't really any deconfinement excitement today, and probably not until Friday, when Beer O'clock at the Pub is restored to us - yeh!
I have worked for a few Wildlife Trusts over the past 6 years or so, and have always admired their 30 Days Wild campaign in June, so this year I've signed up, and will use the blog to share my daily dose of Wild - as well as any deconfinement excitement.
Two Wild Things for today. This morning we went to the One Acre Wood to start preparing for next winter (as summer starts today for the meteorologists), by felling one of the large dead trees dotted around. That was not particularly wild, but I have to say, it was a pretty text book felling. What was lovely was standing under one of the great oaks in the wood and looking up at the branches and leaves. Light patterns have changed this year as the parcel next to ours was completely felled in early January, but looking up a trunk like this is always a lovely thing to do.
The other wild thing is a bit ickie, but I have expurgated it. I found half a lizard at the vegetable plot. At first I blamed the country boy cats for having had a snack and not having finished it, but actually cats don't much like eating lizards, they just play with them. The remains were under a large birch tree which is used by a variety of birds (crow family and raptors) as a good place to sit and watch for anything and also to eat any prey they might have found and flown off with. So I'm blaming a raptor of some sort for the demise of this very beautiful lizard. Whole and alive I think it would be 8 to 10 inches long, perhaps even a foot, and very dramatic.
What will Day 2 bring?