Apologies - there really is nothing that can be done when the main provider server is down.
Spring is so close now - the official start date is Thursday 20th March in France anyway - and we have been having more and more tasters of (hopefully) better days to come. As you drive around the countryside now, the hedges are dominated by the bright, white blossom of blackthorn and wild plums. It is a sight that always fills me with hope and anticipation for the longer days and better weather to come. The blossom should also provide a lovely rich feed for the insects that will be starting to get the countryside humming, although up to now, the only place I have heard that buzz has been in a garden with japonica in full bloom. The plum tree blossom that I have been tracking for the past few weeks is now out - but if you look at the photo, there are no bees to be seen.
Other flowers are also coming out - parts of the Meadow and Garden are turning into cowslip lawns. I use the term cowslip probably to generously, as I gather there are lots of variants, but the number of these and the colour variations that we will get in due course (red and orange) are a very happy sight for me. They are so prolific that mowing even paths can be a challenge if one is obsessed with not taking a few out! Whatever, they are a sign that I need to get out in the garden more.
A sure sign that spring is on its way is the start of the car boot season, or vide grenier as they are called over here - literally empty attic. Jarzé has the first major one, and it is big! Despite foul weather with warnings of sleet and snow, between 150 and 200 brave souls turned out to set up their stands from about 6:00am and most would have to wait until about 5:00pm to be able to get away again. In response to the terror attack years ago in Nice, events like this mean that roads are blocked off with large vans and huge slabs of concrete if held on public roads (fields are a bit different). I would guess something between 10,000 and 20,000 people will have traipsed the length of Jarzé on Sunday in search of that essential item or elusive bargain. We bought nothing but saw lots of people we knew.
As well as the outside plants starting to put on a show, my special Mediterranean corner of the Country Kitchen (or cat feeding room) is doing well. The lemon "tree" is looking healthy and the leaves are a better colour than they were at the start of the winter. The tiny olive "tree" seems taller and glossier now, while the big plant that we inherited from Francois the Drunk, and split into three, is preparing to flower. The other two bits are in pots outside, and while they survived last winter, this one doesn't seem to have been as easy on them. We will see if they revive and then I will bring them indoors in the autumn!
I am very fortunate to have a chum who used to grow flowers for a living and still has a large number of cutting flower plants. If you pop round to see her for any reason, it is hard to get away without a bunch of something. My latest gift was a bunch of large and lovely anemones - wow, they are spectacular!
Now that the birds have found the fat balls that I put out for them over the winter, they can't get enough of them. This is a shame as I stop feeding the birds on the 1st April, as there might be babies hatching and they don't need the somewhat artificial foods in commercial fat balls, or peanuts. This fuzzy image shows two well fed great tits stuffing their beaks - I would prefer it if they were ripping the pine processionary nests apart, but they are lovely to watch.
So that's it for this week's late epistle, and I hope to be back on Sunday as usual. Have a good rest of the week!