Happy Easter to all - I hope the Easter Bunny was able to find a local elf to ensure you had some chocolate today! Thanks for the messages about this blog too by the way - it really does help to know people are reading it, if only to keep me on my toes about fact checking and the like.
Although there are now storms rumbling around, this morning was lovely with not a cloud in the sky. I have been surprised at how quickly the ounces are piling on (and after 27 days, ounces mount up) - I guess I didn't really realise how much good the long Sunday walk, the (in my dreams) weekly trip to swim at la Flèche and the Monday evening yoga sessions all did me. Anyway, this morning I left John doing bad things to the artichokes that have taken over the potager, and went for my permitted up to 1 hour of solitary exercise no more than 1km from my front door. Actually at the furthest point I fear I was actually 1.05km from my front door, but no one stopped me!
The following six photos are from my walk. I want over the Couasnon twice and hoped to see kingfishers, but sadly no. I did see swallows however - they arrived during the week and are now being delightful as only swallows can be. I did see a couple of big trout in the stream, but no chance of getting a photo with my phone. Coming back into the village, I noticed that the laburnum is now out, so shouldn't be surprised that my hay fever symptoms are starting to ramp up. I do need to ration the antihistamines though as it will be a while before I can get more.
Anyway, enjoy the stroll in the quiet of the countryside!