Well actually the big excitement today was going to Super U for cat food and Cheddar cheese and one or two other bits and pieces - but you have to take variety and excitement where you can at the moment!! I also washed all my scarves as I have a nasty rash on my neck, probably due to something I brushed against yesterday while mowing, but you can't be too careful. So clearly an incident packed day, and not photogenic.
Much more photogenic were things I saw at The Shack today, including another of my pots of experimental seed sowing. This was an old and open packet of coriander that I really held out very little hope for, and yet look what I found today!
I was able to dig up four leeks and a spring garlic (just like a spring onion but garlic) which will go nicely in a stir fry for dinner. The leeks are starting to run to seed - I could probably have held that back by watering them rather better all the time they have been in the ground apart from the 4 solid months of rain. Actually they would probably have been bigger and better if I had done that, but last summer's drought meant water had to be doled out very carefully.
Spooky Cat used to be very nervous about going down the garden, even just the bit attached to The Shack. On Tuesday he accompanied me on a circuit of the three areas - the garden, the orchard and the wild flower meadow. I was very impressed. I'm not sure if he is more or less secure in his world, following the demise of Fergus Sunshine Supercat, but he allows me to pick him up, cuddle and stroke him and only mildly chews me. These vicious claws are only used to attract my attention when dishing out food!
The quince blossom at the wild flower meadow is finally out - so pretty, but so delicate! The frosts are due to stop soon and the harsh wind (or bise) from the East is due to drop at the weekend so hopefully the bees will do their thing and there will be viable fruit in the autumn. Unless there is a glut we are unlikely to do another quince eau de vie for a year or two, but quince jelly is fab on porridge, while stewed quince and apple makes a superior crumble.
Tomorrow I am off to visit Azay le Rideau so there may not be a blog, depending on when I get back.