It had to be done, with two girl cats in the house, we couldn't face the unwanted suitors or the possibility of kittens, so once they were past their suspected 6 month birthday and we had mentally girded ourselves, we booked them in.
Spay day was Tuesday 6th November. They had been up playing most of the night, so we were tired, but they went into their cat carriers without any problems. It is a quick drive to the vet's and then we left them, with me being rather weepy to leave them there.
Six o'clock in the evening we collected them and were given our instructions on after care. We were also given two packs of special neutered female cat food - aren't those medical reps lovely people? When released into the calm of the bedroom, they were as wobbly as new born lambs, so we left them in peace with a pile of jumpers to snuggle into.
Maigret has been quite clingy since the operation but is bouncing around quite happily, and while she looked frighteningly thin when she came home, has filled out again a bit as she has re-hydrated (she is slim by nature it seems). Poor pudgy Poirot has had a much more difficult time, and has gone off men completely. She is starting to be interested in play again, but anything out of the ordinary and she dives back under the nearest bed or curtain.
We know it is for the best, but for the moment, it is hard, and their shaved tummies are a constant reminder of what we have put them through. However below is a reminder of them in their entire and unshaved state!