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10 January 2008


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The trouble with decent eggs is that once you get used to them there really is no going back, whatever the price.
Taking your view of the end of battery farming to it's logical conclusion, in 4 years time most households with gardens will/should have their own chickens. Then perhaps people will start to see what viscous, unthinking, brutally bloodthirsty killers foxes really are. They aren't cute, they are mangy predators. And the people who feed them should be deeply ashamed for aiding this useless parasite to prosper.

Jane Holland

Thanks Roger - it is as well to remember that while free range is best, you do have to watch out for predators. Luckily round us there is absolute vigilance on foxes and also on pine martins which are just as much of a problem. Urban chicken keepers should be thinking about mink, particularly if they are near a river or canal.

The Soil Association has pitched into the arguement, applauding Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall and Jamie Oliver for their work in waking people up to chicken abuse - see here for more detail http://www.soilassociation.org/web/sa/saweb.nsf/848d689047cb466780256a6b00298980/362c8013f3000f91802573cb00383027!OpenDocument

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