One of the things we like about our life here is never really knowing what the day will bring. Yesterday it brought us 5 ducks, today it brought us another 4. I hope that tomorrow will see the ducks go to their new home, but that depends on John getting a duck house built.
The ducks were bought in a job lot of 35 birds fattened for slaughter, but the purchaser ran out of freezer space so, kept a few ducks alive while he worked out what to do. He got permission to park 5 in our chicken run, while working out what to do. We found a purchaser for all the remaining live ducks, and I think it is fair to say that they have won a reprieve and a life of luxury once they get to their new home.
My one worry is that like our old chickens, these are utility hybrids with unhelpful characteristics bred in. They are white with blue eyes, pinkish bills and a certain inertia to them - quite cute, but not as much fun as a chicken. They probably taste good too, but we will never know!