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29 September 2008


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Neighbours' cats often roam the garden looking for small bird-snacks or frog-snacks. The toads, besides being cute, are industrious slug eaters and I am delighted to find that they can stand up for themselves against a giant monster cat!


Yes, the hedgehog and the toad seem to have their defences! Maigret jumped on the hibernating hedgehog in early spring and got pricked toes so didn't do that again for a while. As pigeons are a pest round here, we don't mind the cats going for them however.


They might discover that pigeons have some secret weapon, too!


So far, the weapons/defences produced by the pigeons have been intense stupidity (not really a defence that), being able to be in high places (probably the most challenging) and fleas. As Poirot is a martyr to fleas, this last has been the problem. However we got the last laugh, as the ultimate weapon in the defence against pigeons is to get a mason to seal up the holes in the eaves where pigeons nest, and at a slightly eye-watering expense, that is what we have done. I must do a post about our mason....

cat insurance

actually this has happened to my cat before. she probably tried to catch it and then bit it. the toad would then give off some sort of secretion that irritates the cat and causes it to salivate excessively (similar to when it licks the flea spray when you put it on)

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