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21 May 2009


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Thanks for the info - our Sussex is currently broody, and resists all attempts to remove her from the nest box. The big problem we have is that we're not around during the day to lock her out after the other hens have laid. In fact, I suspect that the others have now found somewhere else to lay. She started on or about June 19th if that helps with the moon phase theory!


Thanks for the comment, Jay. Our Light Sussex went broody again and this time for about 3 to 4 weeks (I was away when she finally got bored, so am not sure of the exact duration) - she started on the 21st June, so just a couple of days after yours. Annoyingly, Black the dodgy Maran went broody on the 29th June and is still brooding, when not hoiked out of the coop. That could put paid to the moon phases theory sadly, but it was interesting while it lasted. The chicken that doesn't go broody has gone on egg strike. Our neighbour didn't clean out his nesting box for about 4 months, so his chicken started to hide her eggs elsewhere - walking through the long grass in his garden he nearly stepped on a clutch of nine!! Good luck with breaking the broody.

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