After all that lovely blossom in the Spring, we were hoping for a good apricot crop this year, and it is exceeding our expectations at the moment. If you have any good apricot recipies let me know, particularly things that can be preserved (frozen, bottled, put in alcohol, etc) as we will soon be swamped.
The first weekend in July I was in the middle of a tour of England (partly explaining the lack of blogs recently) and up in the North East. Now I love Tyneside and I had had a fabulous day with my friends at Howick Hall, but I really didn't need to be reminded of what I was missing at home when Much Beloved sent me the photo below.
I got back home finally on Thursday and we had a go at picking some ripe fruit - well we got enough for a good scoff of fresh apricots for ourselves, but it was on Saturday, on a really hot day, that we had a go at doing a proper pick. They still aren't quite ripe in general yet, but we got an easy 5 kilos, some of which are now in alchohol, some were stewed and are very nice on porridge, some were turned into apricot fromage blanc pudding (too good) and some are being eaten. Tomorrow I think we will have to have a major jamming session and give some away.
It's a lovely problem to have - so I'm not complaining, but do send me any recipies you come across!