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28 September 2009


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Anne Donald

You showed up in my stats this morning, so of course I popped over for a look!! I love your list of all the food/drink things you are making/storing for the winter. I have just picked the (very small) quince from our ornamental shrub, but according to Monty Don, they can be used, so I'm going to have a go at quince jelly - using a Prue Leith recipe (Delia for once having let me down!!) I'm going to pop you in my favourites, so I can visit again. Also loved your photos - really clear and sharp! Regards from Anne, in the sunny but chilly Scottish Borders


Thanks for the enquiry. It was kind of you to ask! Mossy Gnome is taking a break from blogging for a while - but I'll enjoy keeping up with your blog!

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