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01 July 2011


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Gardening News

You have varieties of fruits and vegetables in your garden.For growing chillies,you need soil rich in organic material with good compost.What extra care you are taking for chilli?


While the comment above could well be blog spam, I will do them the courtesy of responding, as it is a jolly good question.

Each of the raised beds gets topped up each year with "terreau universale" which is broadly the French equivalent of a grow bag if the level has sunk signficantly, but also 40 litres of "enrichisol", an organic soil enricher and conditioner, produced by Compost de Baugeois (www.baugeoiscompost49.com)from all the green waste that is produced in the canton of Bauge. This provides extra organic matter and nutrients. Later in the season, I use Tomatorite liquid feed on a weekly basis on the pepper and aubergine bed, the cucubit bed and the tomato bed. We are very pleased with the results.

The 5 chilli plants that are in pots are in our own home made compost, which is a rotted down mix of household organic waste (organic in its true sense, not trendy sense), garden waste and the waste from the chickens and their run. This year it was boosted with 6 year old rotting quince, which needed the chicken manure to really activate the composting process, but once it got going, produced some wonderful soil. This gets seived to remove stones, nuts, slugs and chafer grubs - the last two items going back to the chickens for more "work". The chickens love compost seiving time!

Green Mountain National

Eating pear is so delicious. I really love this fruit.

Recycling organic waste

I like to eat the fruit and i think you share a real rural life.

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