So, the report has gone and no reaction from the client - I took that as a sign that today was me time! Actually that started yesterday with a profligate glass of sherry (it will be months until I can get my hands on another bottle) and trying out a new recipe - banana bread. Excellent recipe and it turned out well - sorry, no photos, so you'll just have to imagine it!
This morning was market day at la Flèche, and as word had got out that it was going ahead, there were more stalls and more punters. Don't believe the French don't know how to queue - if it is something they want (fresh vegetables, fish, cheese etc), they will queue and they will behave. Well outside Paris anyway! See!
This afternoon I was able to take time to look closely at cherry blossom and admire the bee going about her business. It was wonderful to watch, but she didn't have many colleagues. The tree should have been alive with bees, not like a social distancing market!
I'm not convinced how well the garlic is going to do this year - it keeps getting squished by a silly cat!
After that, I thought I would try the first of my yoga teacher's videos. I do yoga for seniors, but after a gentle start, she moved on to stuff I'd not done before plus I had cat help. As I now ache rather a lot, I'm calling it a day!