Although I doubt he will put in an appearance here this year but we do still have 2 Cadbury's Crème Eggs saved in the fridge for tomorrow!
Saturday is market day in Baugé en Anjou and each week the market gets a bit bigger in size as the stall holders work out what is possible in the current restrictions. I have to go to one shop as well to pick up my vital order of loose leaf Earl Grey tea - left at a shop for me by the owner of the tea rooms that are closed for the moment. As you can imagine, it is a struggle to walk to the top of this road to get my order!
It is also a bind standing in a queue when you can admire our 15th Century chateau, built by good King René d'Anjou.
The orchid has now opened, and it was worth the wait.
Finally, I managed to get all the cutting done, and then set to with the old faithful Singer hand cranked sewing machine and have got four lots of two segments, and one lot of four segments, which I laid out on the lawn to see what they looked like.