No storms last night, no rain here so far today (although I got caught in a very sharp shower), so shortly I'd better go and water the potted plants, but not before writing today's reflections.
As I said yesterday, I mow at a site with a lake. Yesterday I saw one carp, today (finishing the job) I saw evidence of more, plus a heron, plus I got shouted at by frogs again. I was also followed around by a couple of robins and a blackbird, profiting from all the bugs I was raising.
The little river that runs past has always played host to a number of moorhens, coots and mallards. They raise a lot of chicks, but not all make it. From what I observed today, I am starting to understand why.
There were two mallard families knocking around today. A (presumably) single lady mallard with four puffs of fluff (ducklings), and a couple with a single duckling. The single mother watched me and worked out what I was up to and while I was on one side of the lake, she hid her babies in a different stream or the river itself. I heard the odd squeak from them but nothing more.
The couple were much less careful - they swam around side by side while their little munchkin followed as best it could, then it would appear daddy mallard said something wrong and the lady flew off. Daddy and duckling continued to mooch around the lake, but in the end, daddy got bored and flew off too, leaving the lonely little fluff bundle swimming around the lake, cheeping for its Mum. I think its Mum was a bit inexperienced, but unless she went back once I had gone, I suspect the little one will be eaten by something. Probably not the carp, but I've heard rumours of catfish, pike and a terrapin in the lake, all of whom would like a duck supper I suspect.