They've been promising rain for days, if not a couple of weeks, but today it has finally happened - we've got rain. At last! It seems odd to be saying that after it rained seemingly nonstop between mid-October and the end of February, with floods and mud, and the ephemeral ponds filling up. But it hasn't really rained since I started this blog 34 days ago and the soil is getting very dry, so it is welcome for once.
John managed to mow the lawn this morning in the two hour window when using power tools is not frowned on, while I sowed a hanging basket with a random packet of mixed flower seeds, and thinned out some sempervivums into a pot designed to fit on a downpipe. I also sowed some radishes and thinned out the tomato seedlings - it felt profligate but we still have at least 19 tomato plants to find space for, as well as the 17 butternut squashes, 6 courgettes, and 19 (and counting) sweetcorn. Since lunch we really have been locked down, and in my office all I can hear is the clicking of keyboards (mine and John's) and the blatter of rain on our roof and Velux. I should probably be listening to Oxygène - that is ideal rain music!
OK, that is now playing; that feels better!
For the photo montage today, I thought I would go through the photos I've taken during the week and then not used. First off, here are some bluebells as a couple of chums have been taunting me with pictures of bluebell woods in the UK.
Then there is the wisteria I go past in the morning on my way to the boulangerie - I once worked with a chap near Peterborough who thought it was essential I was in the UK in May to see the wisteria. I didn't like to say it grows just as well here!
When I was a child, I used to love honesty, less for the flowers and more for the seed pods that were such fun to play with. The honesty is doing rather well this year - perhaps I will remember what it was I actually used to do with/to the pods back in the day.
Finally, after all the angst about the orchid bud and whether it would ever open or not, the other orchid has chosen to have two buds in a stage of imminentness, plus the first one has another bud that looks like it could open any time. Plus both are finding new places to send out flower stems. A daily bout of torture for me, to distract me from the copy of Private Eye in the bathroom.