Well the sunken cake didn't kill us - yet. It tasted much better than it looked, but I must work out what went wrong.
This morning I had to go out to feed the boys in the country. They were all present, correct and in need of cuddles, so it took quite a long time. It was extraordinary, sitting with them and all I could hear was purring, birds singing, insects buzzing and the odd cuckoo a bit of a way off. I recorded it for the blog, but haven't yet worked out how to get that off my phone and onto the computer. As the forecast for the week is wet and stormy, that is a project for another day, not a Sunday.
Once the cats were cuddled out and I had finished my chores at the site, I went to check on the meadow and the orchids. The bee and lizard orchids are still not showing themselves, but the two lady or early spotted orchids (whichever they are - my identifying flowers books are not brilliant on orchids, but a new one is not an essential purchase at the moment) were looking good. Here is the one in the centre of the meadow (subtle it ain't).
Once I had taken this photo, I started back to the car, but noticed a flurry of yellow further down the meadow. I followed it and watched it and it turned out to be two swallowtail butterflies playing (or something else) over the top of the flowers. I charged after them, phone at the ready to get that one shot that will make me famous, but they separated and led me a right dance. In this photo, you can see a yellow blob, and that is as close as I got to a swallowtail to photograph it!
This afternoon we've been taking it slowly as no one really needs to be out and about on a Sunday afternoon. As all the talk is about wearing masks and whether it will be compulsory when leaving the house, I thought I would take a look at the free pattern supplied by the local paper and make our own. I'll not go into our thoughts on face masks today, but if it is what is needed, so be it. An old duvet cover, for a size of duvet we no longer have, provided the fetching material for these works of art, while I had just enough elastic to make two (how lucky is that?). Here is yours truly modelling our post-confinement face ornaments. Alternatively they will come in useful when I go into robbing banks.
If I don't look comfortable, it is because I wasn't - they really are as unpleasant to wear as the health care staff say, and I am full of admiration for them for doing an amazing job, while wearing this sort of thing and not complaining about it.