I'll keep it short today, after yesterday's rant. Typepad (the bunch that power this blog) are usually jolly reliable, but occasionally something goes a bit skewiff out there in the ether, and today is one of those days. I gather the blog hasn't been available for a chunk of the day, and it is taking ages to do anything.
However I said I would do a post a day during lockdown, so here goes.
I had planned a rant about face masks - I'll save that for tomorrow, when the system is hopefully a bit more robust.
Instead I will say that while not as thoroughly wet as yesterday, the weather has not been totally kind, with a solid hour of heavy rain, so that in the past 30 hours we have had about 24mm rain. Once the sun gets on it, this should ensure the asparagus goes mad tomorrow - yum!
While yesterday was just very wet, today has had the added joy of strong and gusty wind. I'm not a fan of strong winds at the best of times, but certainly not when the trees are in full leaf. The seedlings are also stuck in the BBQ as it is too windy for them to be out, as they would get blown away.
Anyway, I have a curry and naans to make, so I will leave it here, with a photo of Sanity Clause the Cat giving his view on technology.