Saturday morning is market time in Baugé, and I've been faithful to local stall holders and producers as much as I can be during lockdown. The market was given permission to expand to include all the usual stallholders although it remains in the Place de Europe in front of the Chateau, rather than up in the market place. It was really nice to see old chums back. The lady who sells crèpes and gallettes was there and delighted to be back - she seems to have found lockdown very hard, particularly as she is a very social soul, so not seeing anyone for days clearly affected her. I was also delighted to find that the Moroccan lady who does wonderful savoury stuffed pancakes and delicious cakes was back, so I could stock up on all the yummy things we have missed over the last two months.
After lunch (mostly Moroccan yummy things) we went out to do stuff, with first stop at a Vide Maison. A widowed friend managed to sell her house just before lockdown, and can now disperse her stuff, prior to final signatures and heading back to Réunion to be with her children and grandchildren. We will be sad to see her go.
My husband is very special - he got me a present on Thursday - a trailer full of horse poo. Today I got to spend a chunk of the afternoon transferring it to a wheelbarrow and then taking it down the hill to sit and mature near where it will be needed. How kind!
Each time I went down the hill, I was able to admire these flowers that came from some random bulbs I bought at Aldi and planted last autumn. As I've lost the packaging, I've no idea what they are, but I am really enjoying them.
Today's cat pin-up is Fergus, looking rather imperial. Until a couple of seconds before I took this, his back paw was pointing at the sky, but it came down, so pretty perfect!