After yesterday's triumph of finishing the sewing (still not yet in place however - something for tomorrow!), I felt strong and able to cope with the thought of firstly helping some chums get through the ANTS system, and then looking at the tax declaration stuff. Well that was a mistake!
Actually things started well, in that we got my friends' approved digitised photos done at the local service in double quick time, plus John scanned the required documents for me so I didn't have to battle the scanner. Then it all started to go a bit pear shaped. First off they wanted more documents than we had scanned, so I ended up taking photos of electricity bills and health system cards and using photos. That worked and one application to change from a UK drivers licence to a French one went. Could I get the other one to work? Aaargh. It took 15 goes to get the home address entered, as the system took offense at a "lieu dit" that it couldn't automatically find in its repertoire. As the Government will happily send tax and health stuff to the address, that was a bit annoying, but by sidling up to it, catching the system unawares, a judicious prayer to the god of computers, and by not doing anything different, it finally accepted the details and let me do all the other stuff required for the second licence exchange application. That is two hours of my life I won't get back!!
So after lunch I went to feed the boys and water the seedlings I planted at the weekend and check on stuff. There are cherries, but not many, not large, not whole and not particularly spectacular - a shame after all the blossom.
I also took more photographs of bee orchids, but most are out of focus. This one worked nicely though.
Once home, I thought I had better start looking at tax forms for here and Chinon. Big mistake! O it is easy to find the exchange rate they said last year at the tax office - I had to access a number of different reports, copy down twelve numbers to 4 decimal places, take the average and now I wait to see if it bears any resemblance to the number I asked for on the Q&A. If it does fine, if it doesn't …. And tax French bears no relationship to real French like wot it is spoken either. Another 2 hours of my life I won't get back.
Rummaging in the shed yesterday evening, John found our Covid-19 remedy (not that he was looking for it, but nice to have found it anyway). We think it has more chance of working than Trump's dodgy hydrochloroquinine anyway.