Work can be regarded as a necessary evil, although actually, when I have a project running, I really enjoy it. The one I am currently working on has a very tight timeframe with a lot to squeeze into June, so there are days like today, when once I am home from the market, all I do is sit in front of the computer. There are also other distractions going on which can affect concentration. For once that isn't cats on the desk, but that is a first.
I did attend a webinar at lunchtime on how to maintain confidence in work and data when remote working - there was little new in it, but it did help me to realise that actually I do these things quite well and shouldn't beat myself up. In the new normal, the world could be at my feet!
I have managed to take a short walk around the garden, on the way too and from removing a broody chicken from the coop so I could rescue the eggs before she does something silly (it is the Big White Chicken that is brooding but I sometimes think it is an excuse when she can't be bothered to get up and go out and about). My first freesia flowers are about to come out. I nibbled a raspberry or two. I scowled at the clouds, bringing more rain, but that was about it.
For those that made it this far, I'd better include a nice photo or two of something - what have I got in my stash? In March 2019 we went to Guadeloupe and did a walk through the rainforest, where we saw this.