I love dragonflies and demoiselles and I love that they come into our garden even though we don't have a water feature and we are quite a long way from the river and the plan d'eau. There is something about fennel I think that appeals to them, and I found this pale blue cutie by the raspberries when I was watering yesterday evening. You can't see the wings particularly well, but they were tucked away.
Standing in the queue for the boulangerie this morning was not a trial at all, in fact I could have stayed longer. There were a dozen or more swifts flying in circles up across the church roof, and occasionally one would peel off and disappear in a crevice in the façade of the church, where they are clearly nesting. It was magical to watch them, but not easy to photograph! This is the best I got.
Finally a less appealing aspect of watching out for natural things and wildlife - I know where the hedgehogs pee on the lawn because Nibbles thinks that hedgehog pee is almost as wonderful as catnip and disgraces herself. Another moment when the phrase "Just say No!" is very relevant!
In deconfinement news, one of the Chinon Two is beating us to a new experience as he was invited to attend the reopening of the Café Francaise in Chinon this evening. I look forward to hearing about it in due course!