Yes, I finally made it to a yoga session. As we all listed our aches, pains and ailments, poor Maëwa looked a bit bewildered (well it is yoga for seniors) at our multiple complaints and decided that we needed to concentrate first of all on breathing properly.
She probably had a point. After 5 minutes of being instructed through deeper and slower breathing, my angst about tweaking my ankle again receded as I tried to make one breathe last for a count of 10, then 15, then 20. I don't think she actually wanted us to count, but as a numbers person, that does calm me down rather. Later in the class, as we tried to touch our feet with our foreheads, or spent 5 minutes with our feet in the air, I think she felt rather more relaxed too.
The relaxation class started with meditation before moving on to the sonic bit with bowls and gongs and the like, but again that was trying to anchor us into nature, imagining our stresses, fears, pains and anxieties flowing away with a stream and then becoming one with a meadow. How I have missed that weekly letting go of all stress and tension!
We have one more week and then it is the summer break, so I will be back to my own resources and the yoga videos Maëwa sent round during lockdown (only to be tried when I am convinced a cat won't sit on me).
One resource, when the weather is right of course, is my evening walk to my view over the country - it is only 100 yards but standing at the top of the maize field, watching the swifts, swallows, martins, pigeons, and if a bit late, the bats swooping over the corn, trying to catch insects or a thermal is really rather lovely. It will depend of course on how high the maize actually gets...
A demain!