It's not news to say it is hot, stinking hot. Here in my office it is nearly 30ºC and I will stop work as soon as this is done and find somewhere cooler to be. Or that would be the ideal - but it will be difficult to find I fear. There are storms doing the rounds but not near us - to the north east of le Mans took a real hammering earlier.
My evening walk to look at the view is fast becoming a bit futile - it is now up to my shoulders and allowing for the curve of the hill and so forth, you really can't see anything beyond maize!
These long high summer evenings should be the ideal time to watch the evening primroses open. That sounds weird, but sit with a plant and a glass of something chilled and just watch - they open over about a quarter of an hour, and there is a real ping moment when the sepals curl back and release the flower, and you can almost see the petals moving. Great fun and very therapeutic! But they open very late at the moment, so the best I can do is admire them in the morning when the flowers are still open. By midday they are gone.
Watch out for storms!