This blog was late yesterday and was going to be very dull today as I really have been working very hard, but then I went up the garden to release the Garden Vandals and found things to comment on.
The weather changed drastically yesterday with the storms and a front or two going over. We had 11.5mm of rain overnight, but Mouliherne seems to have the local record with 140mm. Friends over that way have mentioned lots of lightening and thunder and there was a mud slide blocking one of the lanes too. Today is cool (cold after 28ÂșC yesterday) and dull and not inspiring. The birds are singing but aren't flying around much.
This is what the Garden Vandals did to the lettuces that were with the main batch of chilli plants - they were just right for cutting too!
These ones are still OK for the moment, but if a beak and neck can get in, they find the leaves and the chilli plants, so you can see which lettuce is best protected in this bed!
But to get round to the revenge part, I was releasing the big 4 chickens, and took my time as Dummer wasn't among the party - either she is on strike due to the cold, or she has gone broody. Whichever, she went for my hand when I tried to stroke her. On my way out of the run, I bent over to inspect the rat trap which seems to be doing a good job as a deterent, if not actually catching anything at the moment. A certain bantam of our acquaintance seems to think it is a good place to lay her eggs - I found 3, but one was under the trap so I left it, but that is still 2 to me! haha!
Tomorrow's blog will be a bit late, as we have a great moment in Deconfinement! Our first visit to the pub since lockdown! I'll share it with you.