We are into September, but these last few days, it hasn't felt like it with hot and sticky conditions and often cloudless skies. Harvesting has been going on apace, and our garage smells magnificent at the moment as there are 150 kilos of ripe quince in there, waiting for a slot at the juicing plant. Quince juice isn't something you would happily drink on its own, but add sugar and time and the skills of the distillery and it makes a very delicious eau de vie. I've also set off a large jar with a shredded quince, a bit of sugar and about 50cls of quince eau de vie to make a very special quince liqueur. Quince is a good remedy against the winter stomach bug that does the rounds (my excuse, I'm sticking to it). Tomorrow I will start to make quince jelly.
We have two barrels of fizzing and burping fruit at the moment, even before we get the quince one going. There is a plum one - deep maroon and brooding; and a pear one - the colour doesn't merit description and it is like the surface of an uneasy volcano. Both smell sweet and interesting though.
The badgers in the wildflower meadow are clearly bringing in stores for the winter - there is a dusty trail through the dead stems and a lot of sand by the set entrance.
Those days where there has been a bit of cloud in the evening, we have seen some dramatic and colourful sunsets. Well, I have to walk down a path to the boule de fort car park to see them as the Bungalow of No Merit is now in the way. In previous years, we have admired from the living room and bedroom windows. Anyway, new local order, but glorious skies to gaze at in wonderment. My photos don't do them justice, but enjoy anyway!
Summer ends on 22nd September apparently.