It's difficult to know what to write about today. I spent the morning in front of the computer looking at invitations to tender for things that might be within my competence to do, in theory. Well one of them I didn't quite understand, another looked really juicy but like they wanted a team working on it and possibly from a University or a top name consultancy, and one is in London and over 5 years so I would end up paying them to do the work given the budget. There was one that looks eminently doable and would be interesting - I'm just trying to get the team together now!
After lunch, it was time to see the boys in the country and when I got home, I could find no other excuse so had to start to prepare the harvested potatoes for storage in the garage. A few buckets of water later and I have perhaps a quarter of the remaining harvest sorted, having rather lazily picked out the biggest tubers, so will have to do the smaller ones tomorrow. This tray of spuds was very heavy when I carried it into the garage!
Someone asked what variety I grow - the last two years I have grown Stemster. They are a main crop potato, good for baking, chips, gratins and mash (and roasties), with a preponderance of large tubers (that's the blurb, but I think they are right) and good keeping qualities.
I was reminded this afternoon that I really need to point out that I have excellent support when growing potatoes as Fergus keeps a very close eye on them.
After all that excitement, I get back to my desk and computer and find loads of emails, including an invitation to tender for something that has me written all over it. Two in two days! Now I've just got to write the proposals and beat the competition.