While we were initially up and about full of vim and good intentions, a flat tyre on the van and an annoying experience in the market (some poser bought all the local garlic and the quarter of red cabbage with MY name on it) took the shine off the day. It was a cold but beautifully sunny day, so that was a shame. So in a fit of energy, we decided that it was time to start to dismantle further the dead cherry tree in the garden.
As one would expect from a pro, John spent a lot of time looking at angles and weights and plotting how each bit would come down without damaging the neighbour's wood store or our "shed". Then we got the better pole saw out, the ropes, relevant safety gear for John and we were ready.
I can't show you any action shots, as I was on the end of the rope, holding up pieces of tree and then gently lowering them to the ground, ready to be turned into firewood, but this is what it looked like when we were done for the day. Clearly there is more to do, but in the rest of the daylight and the "making a noise" window, what was down needed to be turned into log burner sized logs.
This is just part of the booty - there is more and it is all now stacked and sheltered from wet.
While the neighbours kept popping their heads round the corner to see whether we had broken anything (we didn't), and admiring a man working, there were a few garden residents who weren't so impressed with what was going on. Muck and Brass are appalled and Delenn has gone AWOL, having refused to go through the sawdust and into the run. I don't know where she is sleeping tonight, as I couldn't find her on my last check round the garden.
In other news, I made the Christmas cakes, and they are now in the oven.