Yesterday was one of those days when social media really did come into its own. Sunday birthdays are always a bit annoying as there is no postie to wait for, and in lockdown, there is no nice restaurant or pub trip. What I had instead were loads of lovely messages from all over the world, including a few that developed into conversations with people I haven't been properly in touch with for ages. The weather was also fabulous (but no sunburn in the end), so I was able to take a nice photo of the dusk (the new house blots out the sunset).
In the morning I also took a moment to enjoy the play of sunlight on the walls of the staircase. The stone walls are unfinished (and have been for over 20 years), and we do plan to get a bit of a skim on them while keeping the stones visible... one day. The wooden panelling is relatively new (a bit under 3 years) and was part of the staircase renovation project. We love the contrast and the patterns in the wood.
Back on the 9th November, I put up the first photo in the new orchid watch collection, and here is the second one. The new stem seems to have gone a bit further and the bud nodules seem to have got bigger, but as it is winter, it's not growing hugely fast, so this could get very frustrating!!
It seemed colder today as it wasn't so sunny - it has taken ages for my office to warm up and now that it is a supportable 21ºC, it is time to close down, turn off the point heater and go and cook supper. I have spent most of the day wrapped in a serape I bought from a charity shop in Worcester about 17 years ago - so that was £5 well spent!