O the excitement! At one minute past midnight, the #TousAntiCovid app on my phone updated to produce attestations that mean I can shop with less discernment and can exercise for up to 3 hours away from the house but only within 20km of the house. Wowzer! It really makes very little difference to life as we know it, the big change may come on 15th December when travel restrictions are lifted and we don't need an attestation, but we will be under curfew again between 9pm and 7am. I guess the novelty for us is that we can go to the One Acre Wood and cut firewood (counts as exercise rather than essential purchases apparently), but we didn't do that today.
This morning the market was heaving! All stalls had some sort of queue and were doing good business. Inevitably, when standing for between 5 and 20 minutes for each stall required, you get into conversation with the people around you. We all agreed that the queues were long, which was rather a bore, but that it was a very good thing for the stall holders. We liked the fact that it was sunny, as we could top up our Vitamin D while waiting, assuming we were in a sunbeam. If we weren't, it was jolly cold.
This weekend is a bit sad. The reason we weren't out doing firewood today (that is tomorrow's fun) is that we were moving lawnmowers. We have three sets of people we know who are completing on the sale of their property next week.
Dear friends made it over just before lockdown to do their final removal of stuff, their leaving party was at the end of October, but my monthly planner shows that we had planned to cook them Sunday lunch tomorrow as a final huzzah before they sold. John's second ever clients over here move out next week, heading back to the UK and the charms of the Scottish coast - they have hosted a ride on lawnmower (two actually but not at the same time) all that time, but now we have had to stash it in a barn until we find a new client to offer it a home and John work.
This afternoon we had to clear another ride on from a newer client whose sale goes through on Monday, again we have had to find a barn to stash that one in until he has a new home, so for the first time in 6 years, John actually dished out publicity material to someone who might know someone who might know someone... I had a final walk around the garden - it is a pretty one, very large and home to a number of different wild orchids in the season.
On the way back from hiding the mower, we noticed a magnificent moon rise. It wasn't possible to stop to photograph it at its most impressive, so this will have to do.