I've been stuck looking at my computer all day today, rather than being out and about, but it does give me a chance to use up some of the photos that I have taken but not shown (or don't think I have used anyway) which are mainly of flowers.
One of my favourite flowers over here are irises - in the garden by the house we have deep purple and lilac ones as well as a few red ones and some late white ones. At The Shack there are some very dramatic purple and white ones but they are quite late too, and some Dutch irises. So far the only ones out are the early purple ones - first just one flower, and then lots!
In the garden we have lots of white lilac saplings that keep heading our way from the main plant next door - I don't really mind too much, and every couple of year clear a load out. I do prefer the coloured ones though and at The Shack, the one by the main gates is now if full blossom.
We have a large tamarisk tree at the bottom of the garden - I can't say it is my favourite and we would never have planted it, but the previous owners did and we have stuck with it. Occasionally John does a vicious pollard on it, and it comes back stronger than before. When the flowers are fully out, they are fluffy and baby pink, but at the moment they still have a crimson tinge from the buds so it isn't quite so much like a glob of candy sugar. The dead flowers go everywhere and are really annoying.
Finally, and back to The Shack again, we have spotted the developing spikes of yukka flowers - I think these are magnificent, although again I would not choose to plant them, but they are there. We should have at least two stalks of flower in time, and they are clearly not ready yet, but something to look forward to! The twiggy bits are donations from the neighbouring birch tree.