Last week I had little to say and felt very sorry for myself, as a victim of The Cold. But if the week to 28 November was dull, the week to 5 December was even more so. I have had to resort to photographs from the archives to explain why I have little new to share.
Photographing plants is relatively straightforward. They are mostly pretty photogenic in any case, and they don't move particularly far or fast (in most cases), so the main challenges are getting a good angle, focus and lighting. Almost anything can look quite good!
Animals aren't so easy, not least as the blighters move around a bit. You can catch a dragonfly at rest, but it is a bit dull, and can be lucky with a calculating lizard too.
In Guadeloupe I did get lucky with basking terrapins and a high resolution photo that could be cut down, and that is more than I have ever achieved with Nessie the errant terrapin at the Lake!
Sea birds can be helpful, although a pelican at rest looks more like a badly placed cowpat than anything else to my mind.
Flying pelicans can be dramatic - again with high definition to be able to hone in - and frigate birds are very easily recognised.
My biggest frustration is trying to capture humming birds - so beautiful and jewel-like, and so damn fast!
All of which is an excuse to say that as yet, I have had no luck with the trail camera and the badgers, foxes and deer it is supposed to be capturing. Perhaps next week!