The weather is brighter and we are nearly shot of February and with it the hunting season, so it is lovely to know that the trail camera has finally captured more evidence of wildlife in the local area. A fox meandered through one evening, while a green woodpecker dug for grubs and other yukky things and a male pheasant turned up as it seemed to be a good idea.
While the fox went on its way too quickly to be captured on video, the woodpecker hung around looking for food. The pheasant spotted the camera and posed most disgracefully, trying to offer his best profile!
As we have a couple of pine processionary nests in the Garden by the Shack, we do what we can to attract and maintain tits in the zone - both blue and great tits have developed a taste for the vile things. So we keep a couple of stations where we feed the birds without the cats being able to get at them (unless the birds do something very stupid), and today I managed to capture a picture of a blue tit feeding!
In sheltered positions we are starting to get the spring flowers coming through. Daffodils can be spotted blooming where they aren't in a wind corridor while in some sheltered spots, the cowslip flowers are starting to show. In a week or so there will be a carpet of them, but for now there are just the odd sprigs.
We are also starting to feel the joys of spring, as it was warm and sunny enough to get the hammock out this lunchtime. Poirot has decided it is time to start jumping again, and has made her way on to the top of the bathroom wardrobe again for the first time in 3 years. If it weren't for the international situation, all would be rosy!
It doesn't really need saying, but it is important to remember, in these uncertain times, to look around and find joy in the small things. Time spent outdoors is proven to be good for your mental and physical wellbeing.