Yes, nearly that time - indeed by this time next week, the procession of decorated floats will have happened and we should be watching a fine women's orchestra cabaret. If you aren't aware or aren't in the area - the bales are out and about and decorated. There was a team of 5 of us on Monday doing the first 5, then a team of 6 on Tuesday finished off the last 4. Here are the first and last.
The first time I got involved in a Comice was at Chartrené in 2008, where with a friend's children and John as a windmill, we did a spirited rendition of A Windmill in Old Amsterdam for no good readon - read about it here! In 2009 we were a bit more daring and a large group of us danced the Time Warp for a very confused audience!
The last time the Comice was at Vieil Baugé was 2010, when we had a stall so were only really involved in helping out on the Sunday evening meal - we will be on the same field as last time.
The year after us, it was Vaulandry's turn with stinking hot weather. On the Saturday we did a rendition in French of Old MacDonald had a Farm, while on Sunday there was the parade of decorated floats and ploughng matches. 2012 was Fougeré - we weren't particularly involved in that one, but did go to see the floats. I think 2013 might have been Baugé when I dressed up as a mad chef as part of a tableau of Ratatouille, and I have no recollection of 2014 at all on the blogs.
2015 and I got my act together a bit for Cheviré le Rouge and our visions of lands local and far away. 2016 was an epic event where we celebrated the Battle of Vieil Baugé at Bocé complete with Scottish mercenaries, victorious French and wounded English - no blog though! In fact the next one I did a blog about was in 2021 when Echimiré bravely did the first post-Covid session, and very good it was too! Last year it was Pontigné's turn just after the major forest fire - a really good communal event.
Next week's blog will naturally be delayed by a day, or possibly two, and now I must go off and do secret squirrel decorating tasks, because one or two things are getting a bit urgent. I hope you enjoy looking back at previous events.