Tell me about it! Since Maigret and Poirot came into our lives in July, the daily flea tally is the main topic of conversation in our house.
The girls have Program in their food, the house has been sprayed with products that kill fleas for variously three, six and twelve months and we spray the cats with Frontline whenever they aren't looking, and we still find at least 15 a day on them.
If anyone has any ideas short of a flame thrower, let me know!
Hello Jane and what an interesting departure your second blog is. I had no idea you were into rural things as well - I probably ought to look at your website sometime!!
More importantly on fleas - remember that the life cycle is 4 weeks so it will take a while for the Program to get to its most effective. Also have you considered how good your vacuum cleaner is? Modern machines with a lot of "suck" might help if you have some older or less powerful model.
I hope this latter thought helps!
Posted by: Cicely Gardner | 01 October 2007 at 10:07 AM
If you want to try an old remedy which does work, you will need either good old fashioned talcum powder, or diatomaceous earth - this can be bought on-line. Dust the floors, soft furnishings etc - not the cats - & leave for a few days. Then vacuum. Hey presto. The talc dries the eggs, & the adults, & kills them.
Posted by: Cleo | 07 November 2010 at 03:47 PM