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21 September 2007


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Cicely Gardner

Hello Jane and what an interesting departure your second blog is. I had no idea you were into rural things as well - I probably ought to look at your website sometime!!

More importantly on fleas - remember that the life cycle is 4 weeks so it will take a while for the Program to get to its most effective. Also have you considered how good your vacuum cleaner is? Modern machines with a lot of "suck" might help if you have some older or less powerful model.

I hope this latter thought helps!



If you want to try an old remedy which does work, you will need either good old fashioned talcum powder, or diatomaceous earth - this can be bought on-line. Dust the floors, soft furnishings etc - not the cats - & leave for a few days. Then vacuum. Hey presto. The talc dries the eggs, & the adults, & kills them.

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