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01 October 2007


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Jane Holland

A quick update on this after we processed 5 pounds of chestnuts. Only boil the water for 5 minutes if you are doing a small quantity - say enough for a crumble topping. Otherwise bring the water to the boil and turn off the heat. Only take out up to three nuts at a time as the membrane dries out very quickly and then they are just as difficult to peel!

Chestnut recipies to follow as I perfect them (including the savory crumble topping which is totally fab!).

Terence Brunton

the easiest way to peel sweet chestnuts is to use a sharp pointed knife and cut down 1/3 the way down, you may even hear the shell crack with point of the knife remove the shell. then put nuts in a saucepan and boil for about 5 minutes. You will then find the inner skin peels of easily leaving lovely whole nuts

bedroom furniture

great man :D

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