We have a lodger in the garden. It has been around for a number of years and we have seen some of its children tramping through the raised beds of the kitchen garden.
During the spring it hides out in and around the potager, possibly among the compost bins or in untidy patches under shrubs. It battles with the chickens (when we have any) for the rights to keep the slug population under control, as we do not use slug pellets.
During the height of summer it goes down the garden and hangs out around the back of our house and our neighbour's house, where it is relatively cool, reasonably well stocked with slugs, no chicken competition and where it might get the odd baby lizard to boot.
During the autumn, we know it goes walkabout, but this winter we found where it made its winter snug (under the black rose bush, and up against a south facing wall). You can see it in the photo, warming its nose in the February sunshine and preparing for being bounced on yet again by Maigret and Poirot!
Also, if you are feeling compassionate, read the other blog I do (follow this link) or go direct to this point and add to the petition to free Ingrid Betancourt. She is not nearly as comfortable as the hedgehog.