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20 January 2010


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Anne Donald

Oh - I don't like the idea of having wild boar in the garden - unless it was in the form of tasty sausages!!


We are free from the not so little darlings as we are on the edge of a village, it is those in remote locations that seems to suffer. Another client had a meadow that was regularly raided by boar, but then later they did manage to keep them out with a post and rail fence with large gauge mesh tacked to it and nobbly fat logs of leylandii on the outside against the wire. The logs were a deterent against just rooting up the wire mesh, due to the nobbles and due to the smell and resin in the wood.

Having said that, most years around here there is a story of a boar going mad and getting into some form of building (I remember a school and a conservatory at least) and trashing them before being shot. A bit like urban foxes in London, there are too many of them and food gets scarce in winter.

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