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10 January 2010


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Anne Donald

How lovely that all those traditions are surviving in France - here ours are slowly being eroded, as we mustn't do anything which might 'offend' immigrants!!


As an immigrant to France, I love these old traditions, and am not at all offended by them. I think sometimes in the UK, not offending people is seen as an excuse for not celebrating the best parts of our own nationalities. When we lived in Worcester, we celebrated English things, Pakistani things, Italian things, Indian things - it made the year more special. A Hindu friend of mine said she would celebrate all holidays of any ethnicity or religion, as it made life more fun!

On the subject of the bakers with the gold coins in their gallettes - Madame Lemaitre was in the top ten Maine et Loire Brioche style gallettes in the departmental competition this weekend. Felicitations!

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